Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Rube Goldberg- Inspired Drawings of How Art is Made"

What other questions could an art teacher ask their students to illustrate?           

      I found this approach to art as described in the article, to be extremely eye-opening and unique. Many students walk into art class feeling discouraged, unenthusiastic, and uninterested. They often say the three words, "I can't draw." Author Thomas A. Oakley expresses the idea that people are not born with the knowledge on how to draw. It is a learned behavior, just like any other skill. Drawing is something that one must work at in order to improve. Many people believe that they can't draw so they automatically give up.  
              Thomas Oakley gave his students an assignment that I thought was very unique.  He took a whole new different approach to how students think of art. The students all had to illustrate the process of how art is created. I believe that this was a very good idea, because it shows that every person interprets art in a different way. The results showed the diversity of how the students think of art. This is not only a good assignment for students who are discouraged when it comes to art, but for students who enjoy art. It is a way for students to think, look, and learn about art in a different way. It is also interesting for students to learn what their peers think about it.    

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